If a small pipe CNC machine can be made why not scale it up and make a huge one. I have never seen a large CNC machine made with this configuration. I am real curious to see what it is like when bluefacedthief completes it.
If a small pipe CNC machine can be made why not scale it up and make a huge one. I have never seen a large CNC machine made with this configuration. I am real curious to see what it is like when bluefacedthief completes it.
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OMG! That thing nearly qualifies as a steam punk creation. Replace the motors with clockwork and it’s a 1800’s CNC.
that’s creepy
It is ingenious but I doubt he will get much accuracy out of it, long sections of pipe have lots of flex. Hell as a pipeline welder I’ve personally flexed skid 40 pipe into position at shorter lengths in order to tie it in.
Wow whats the tolerance like on it? Some of those pipes don’t look very straight. Still great work.
Looks pretty cool, probably wont be the most accurate cnc.