Electro-Mechanical PONG

If you love old video games this new version of PONG is sure to make you smile. The guys over at Evil Mad Scientists Laboratories have knocked this one out of the park! It is mostly laser cut plywood and plastic with only a touch of electronics.

Via: Hack A Day

“Inside the wooden paddle box are two timing belt pulleys. One is turned directly by a knob that will be added to the top, and the othe is free spinning. As the timing belt turns it slides the paddle assembly, which is mounted to the linear slide system and can move up and down the slot.

The overall feeling that you get turning the knob is a lot like operating foosball controls.”


  1. Seems to me that the software version is a little more exciting than the electromechanical incarnation. Now, if they had it where you could play this version against a computer controlled opponent…that would be something to geek out about.

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