January 2010

Multichord - Hard Drive Musical Instrument

Here is another project idea for one of those old hard drives you have laying around. The Multichord turns your hard drive and some other miscellaneous items into a musical instrument. “The Multichord musical instrument is an acoustic stringed instrument with a single string, constructed from wood, a hard drive, 20-lb monofilament, and assorted electronic components. It was the culmination of a project to build an acoustic instrument capable of

Carnegie Mellon University Business Start-up Tips

Carnegie Mellon University recorded a great talk about starting up a business. Steven Fleck who started ClearCount Medical Solutions moderated the panel. The panel members are Bryan Kaplan of Collaborative Fusion, Nathan Martin of Deep Local, Jessica Trybus of Etcetera Edutainment and David Chen of Fooala. It looks like CMU is doing a good job of fostering business building acumen into their current students. Nice to see that Nathan is

LEGO CNC Machines

There are tons of cool LEGO CNC machines that have been made. The one pictured above can be seen in operation here (unfortunately we can’t embed the video here). It shows how so many people have real creativity since these CNC machines are obviously only for fun since a LEGO frame would not be adequate for doing any real work. Nice thing about LEGO is that once your design is

X10 Camera Turret Face Tracking

I have used some X10 modules in the past and they work like magic, just plug in the module and you have instant remote control of lighting and appliances. In my case I was controlling the boiler of a 30 suite apartment block and it worked great. Robert Oschler shows us that there are more possibilities when it comes to X10 if you use the SDK, it allows your programs

Hard Drive LED Clock

Martin sent in a video of his Hard Drive LED Clock which is based on the original Hard Drive Clock that I built quite a few years ago. Martin is going to change the color of the LEDs and mount all the electronics into the hard drive.

Name the Thing Contest - 116

Thanks to X-mi for sponsoring the contest this week. They will be providing a X-mini MAX II Capsule Speaker (PDF) to the winner. Have a closer look at the speaker by going here and clicking on the X-mini MAX II at the top. If you are looking for music on the go these should work just great for you. “Technical Specifications MODEL: X-mini MAX II Dimension (L×W×H): 65.8mm×53.4 mm (closed

Web controlled Wireless Robot

This robotic platform can be drive from the web. It uses an ioBridge IO-204 to link things together. “The robot uses a pair of serial bluetooth adapters to form a wireless link with the ioBridge IO-204. The serial levels of the IO-204 are TTL and a circuit using the MAX-232 was required to allow the serial interface work properly. On the robot is a set of serial servo drivers that