June 27, 2010

Nerf Gun Hack - Secure Area and Fire on Intruders - Part 3

UPDATE: The project is complete have a look at everything here. Nerf Gun Hack part 1, part 2, part 3 This is the final part of the Nerf Gun Hack. Check out part 1 which goes over the how the chosen gun works and part 2 which goes over the electronics used in the project. This time a completed perfboard version of the project is built and the system is

Perfboard Prototyping

Collin Cunningham made a great video about the benefits of using perfboard for prototyping circuits. Via: Adafruit “When you think “DIY electronics,” one of the first images that likely comes to mind is of parts and wire soldered to a standard piece of perforated circuit board — and that makes sense. Perfboard is widely used because it’s so versatile. Essentially, it’s just a grid of potential solder-point connections.”