July 20, 2010

Entrepreneur Journeys Volume 4 by Sramana Mitra

For all you budding entrepreneurs who have a great business idea in your head but think that taking the first step is quite daunting needs to give Entrepreneur Journeys Volume 4 a look. Sramana Mitra who writes for Forbes and is a serial entrepreneur herself shares her knowledge with us to help our business ideas along their way. In the book she interviews many high profile successful executives such as

Wooden Gear Kinetic Sculpture

Brett Dickins has uploaded a new video on the Mechanical Kinetic Art channel. We have featured some their moving sculptured before, this video features a number of sculptures, the first  is 9 wooden gears that rotate around themselves. There is a motor driving the sculpture which looks like it must be connected to the center gear. I am assuming that the 8 outer gears are connected with a square frame