I love the concept of these computer controlled eyes, I think this technique would be great at Halloween and Christmas. Have a full size figure in the front lawn that watches everyone go by.
“The eyes are made from large pizza boxes cardboard and rolled by RC-servos that are controlled by an ATTiny2313 that’s connected to the PC using the low-speed software usb stack. The camera is connected using USB as well. Since I disassembled my webcam and hooked it up to an FPGA for some experiments, I used an analog one and a USB video digitizer.
The video processing is done using mplayer. It’s cropped first to get only the street and no neighbour estates. Then a tiny & quick&dirty video filter plugin looks for the column with the strongest Y-component difference between the last & current frame and if the difference exceeds a certain threshold, that column is passed to the microcontroller using libusb.”
Via: Hackaday
HAH! It’s scary to walk by their house! I bet that’ll keep the kids off his lawn.
This reminds me of a MacOS finder plugin that I saw a long time ago.
Reminds me of that old lame javascript thing everyone would use on their webpages where the eyes follow you around screen
This is cool, would be cool to have it in a fake person for holloween, so it follows people (objects) moving past the window
Wow, this is everywhere. They should sell ’em!
Creepy. These are slightly creepy. It would be funn to set one up to watch kids walking around outside, freak em out. I live in a apartment complex with lots of rug rats that run around outside. This could be quite humourus.
Doing the video processing with a plugin to a video player, great hack value!
I would like to see a continuation of the topic
Hoowww….That eyes is very Big. The Monster is see me, Heeelllllpppp meeeeeee……
Hey, I like your concept.