The Everingham Rotating House must be the geekiest house I have ever seem (I love it). When you get tired of the view from the living room just press a button and rotate the house to change the view. Or when the sun is glaring on the TV instead of closing the blinds you could just rotate out of the sun!
“The Everingham rotating house is a 24-metre diameter octagon with a 3-metre, 360-degree verandah. The exterior walls are mostly glass and steel, and it has a COLORBOND® roof. The entire structure, weighing approximately 50 tonnes, rotates up to 360-degrees if and when desired, within a 180 degree retainer wall and a 180 degree fixed deck and railing. The concept is the result of nearly a decade of intermittent research, planning and design, and ten months of construction over a two year period consuming all disposable time. The project was completed in March 2006. The idea was born when our neighbours were expounding the virtues of their new home and commented that if they could start again they would orientate the house 15 degrees more to the north. Deb said Wouldn’t it be handy to have a house that could move?”
Thanks David
House looks perfect for some solar pannels, but I never shutup about that so moving on.
This must have ben prtey expensive to make.But it shure is cool
That house is pretty damn sexy. Where are the blueprints? 🙂
I’d love a house that rotates, it’s be awesome
I’d love for there to be a hidden basement, only accessable in a certain position. Puzzle house!
Hey Sean,
That would be cool, although I could just imagine getting locked in the basement for days if the mechanism broke down while in the basement… That would also make for a very good burglar deterrent system, when the crooks go downstairs just rotate the house blocking their exit. 🙂
Niice. It’s amazing what one can do with an enormous surplus of time, money and motivational energy.
As liesofxiii suggested, solar panels on that roof would be a great addition…
Now if we look behind the book case…
I just can’t convince myself that this house isn’t full of ceramic horses on moving poles.
Reminds me of Boo`s carousel in Super Mario 64.
Oh and if making the house was not expensive enough… Just look at the landscape… amazing.
The did like an inflatable rotating house in the 50’s… this looks sooo much nicer
Thats freaking amazing. Woner what the price tag on that sucker is
That would be great. Just like something from Myst.
Did you add snapshot?
With any luck, this just inspired someone to take on the Dymaxion House. Look that one up if you want an interesting and wonderfully efficient version of this.
Hi Max,
Ya, I added it a few weeks ago. I like it since you can see where you are going before you go. 🙂
Dear Hacked Gadgets,
as the designer, builder and occupant of Everingham Rotating house it is refreshing to soo an
article on this project with a difference.
Your readers made some interesting comments too, but nearly all with a common thread that it
must have been expensive. the house was designed to be comparable in cost to a conventional
house of similar size and level of appointment. this goal was achieved.
Thanks for the editorial… Good article, good response, good publication.
We are building the Everingham Rotating House for others.
Luke Everingham
That is tight. I know a few people with Crows Nest rooms in their homes overlooking water. It would be great to add that technology to that one specific room to get a 360 view of the ocean and mountains.
Did they by any chance happen to once work for an amusement park?
the puzzle house sounds cool but think, you can also use it as a torture device as well by placing some one in the door way and having the house slowy rotate untill they talk.
In Mount Barker, Western Australia there is a house very simular to this.
It is on the right hand side of Albany Highway just before the caravan park,
north of the town.
It also rotates 360 degrees to capture the sun and is locally known as ‘The
Roundhouse’. I believe it was built in th 70’s or 80’s.
I’m sorry, I spelt symarlar wrong.
If you like this…..check out
These houses have amazing design, as well as have protection against high winds and earthquakes.