LUWE SYGABU has installed a totally custom car PC into his 2006 Honda Civic. It has a microcontroller brain that controls the power on/off of the computer along with monitoring other things such as temperature.
Video and construction pictures after the jump.
“I got my shutdown controller completed and it’s pretty sweet. It displays to a 16 x 2 character display which I mounted into the dash that displays loading and shutdown sequences, temperature sensor readings, and has menu options for startup and shutdown delays, and temp F or C selection, all selectable from the dashboard.”
Sweet mod/ride!!! I’d love if my mother had this in her Honda Civic
I would love to know what kinda display you used there, it looks like its touch, right?
What impresses me most is his work with the custom panel. It’s almost impossible to tell that’s not a stock bezel.
I’m not sure I’d know what to do with a Winbloze machine in the dash, but then again my Civic has the navigation unit and plays music from a CF card, so maybe this fills that need. Seems like a lot of work to just play mp3s though.
Woow dude you just created K.I.T. 😀
Nice case btw.
I visit hackedgadgets everyday. So here I was taking a quick look at today’s posts… And, what!?!? That’s my car!!! Haha, that was quite a project, I have to say. I feel honored to have one of my projects posted among some of the brilliant work here on hackedgadgets. Yes it is a touchscreen, and it was a lot of work to play mp3s, that’s why I made it play DVDs, Divx movies, GPS nav, Internet, Bluetooth phone connection, Backup Camera, and whatever a computer can do… Plus it looks cool. 😉 All with the help of a lot of info at
Any info on the circuit you used?
Awesome job. What’s the chances of you putting up the whole
project (touchscreen used, cpu used, OS and software used)
on a website. I’ve looked at and there is way
too much information.
Again Great Job!!!
Thanks, here is the worklog thread at… I have since switched my computer to a laptop with a docking station in the trunk as my pc so it is a little more useable than the black box you see here:
And here is the controller circuit thread that I started, you can see the new concept controller on page 6 of the thread that I never quite got finished for various reasons plus there are schematics and parts list and the PIC code that you could use to make your own on here:
Thanks for the added links. The custom board looks great. There were inquiries to purchase the unit. Are you selling them? If so please plug your store…
hello how ru
plz send me the complet diagram of this dashboard with complete information and also from whom u
have made this dash board.
i will be very thankful to u. If u have provide me the complete information.
plz send me the complete infommation of this ‘car black box using picmicrocontroller,
this is hands down the best monitor install i have seen in all the incar pc forums. i have done many installs in the past as i do custom cars for a living. i am getting ready to intall a pc in my car and again… this is the best ive seen yet. now i have something to try and best. very nice
You can use Steering wheel remote controls to Car PC.
There is adaptor for this.
CarPC JoyCon
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