Seems that the original Nintendo controllers have no shortage of usages. Zieak has created a mouse that uses the controller as a case.
“If you are like me you get really excited when you find two Nintendo controllers at the Salvation Army. One was priced at $1.00 and the other at $.37 (i didn’t fight the pricing). Of course, they get home and meanwhile occupy a part of my brain that is like a broken stove. There is this back burner that is constantly on. Ideas get on there and just simmer away. So the idea for one of the controllers was to make it a card reader that i can plug my sd or compact flash cards into to transfer files. Sunday morning i came up with my idea for the second one… make it a mouse.”
Via: Craftster
Nintendo Controller Hacked into a Computer Mouse

Cool, should make the other one a flash drive or something
What kind of mouse did you rip the components from?