DrumDror3000 has constructed a very elaborate DIY drum system. Using PVC pipe, wood, sponge, rubber adnd some piezo sensors he is able to create electronic drum signals that his custom electronics is able to monitor and reproduce fantastic drum sounds.
"As you will see in the video i decide to use PVC pipes and parts due to that the parts are some how like Lego, but it not so easy, all the mechanic work on this set needed special tools for cut / drill / change diameters inside parts and more,
In order to get the same feel with foot pedals i decide to use regular pedals and perform modification to each one of them, the modification include mechanical upgrade with aluminum plates, for the bass pedal i designed the trigger at the lower section and i change the position of the hammer, in the HI HAT i added variable resistor so when i push the pedal the resistant change and sent to the MIDI unit."
personally, I wouldn’t send the midi data to a keyboard. I would use some drum synthesizing program on a computer, and get a midi input for your computer. This would result in much more realistic sound than midi, and not too much more work.
Still very cool. I would have gone with a Korg to control the synth, but nonetheless a very good example of DIY, still could be pretty pricey.
Dear Desingner,
i am very happy for your drum set
Very nice set you got there why you chose for wood and not drumlike drums?