August 2010

Huge Game of Life

Most of us have seen the game of life, and those programmers among us have probably had to implement this game in code. Windell Oskay and Lenore Edman of Evil Mad Scientists Laboratories have made a huge version of this game for a new exhibit at the San Jose Museum of Art. I can see they got lots of use out of their laser cutter in the making of the

Name the Thing Contest - 145

Thanks to Fibers for sponsoring the contest this week. They will be providing the winner a $35 gift certificate which can be used towards some cool threads on their site. They have tons of cool designs ready to purchase but you need to have a look at their custom designer. You can pick the clothing item style, choose some text in any font you like, toss in some images and

Intelligent Power Consumption Adjustment Device

I am lucky to live in Manitoba where we have an excess of hydro electric power that is sold to our neighboring provinces and states. I have not been impacted with the results of my electrical grid being shut down due to excess demand. Our friend David Pedersen from Volunteer Lab Rat has devised an Intelligent Power Consumption Adjustment Device which would help to remedy the issue many places have

DIY Laser Microscope has an interesting demonstration of a Quick and Dirty DIY Laser Microscope. What you are looking at is a laser sitting on a book and the beam is shining through a drop of water that is hanging on the tip of a syringe. The water was taken from a potted plant which is why it’s teeming with life. I think we could have increased the number of people if

DIY Motorized Rollerblades

These DIY Motorized Rollerblades would be perfect for people who like skating but want a bit more distance and speed capability. Via: Zedomax “The blades have the following characteristics: All-wheel drive with four hub motors, which are the most compact drive solution possible. The motors add minimal drivetrain drag to the system, so the skates can still be used normally. I contend this should always be available as a backup

Power Line Inspecting Robots by Hydro Quebec and BCTC

Monitoring power lines can be done by people but it is a time consuming and expensive. It’s a job that needs to be done because of inventions like the Bat Hook Power Tap. Hydro-Québec Research Institute and BC Transmission Corporation have developed a robot that is capable of inspecting these lines while they are still powered. That’s not a big deal right since the power lines is a perfect platform

Complimentary Subscription to The Scientist Magazine

We have a special limited time offer. Thanks to The Scientist Magazine for offering our readers a chance to subscribe to this cool magazine for free. It is a limited time offer so if you are reading this when the offer has ended and would like to purchase the magazine you can go here to buy it. Hacked Gadgets does receive a small payment for each subscription to any of