SafeBABI – Alerts you when a Baby is forgotten in a Car

SafeBABI - Alerts you when a Baby is forgotten in a Car

Forgetting a babies inside a locked vehicle is an unfortunate event which occurs far too often. Daniel Ogilvie, Peggy Liska and Michael Sherman have developed a solution which puts some TI tech into motion. They developed the SafeBABI concept while interning at TI. Nice that TI allowed them to work on a concept that they have no interest in ever monetizing. One of their cool eZ430 watches is used to alert the user about the forgotten baby. I love the simple implementation since the system doesn’t have much to go wrong.


“The safeBABI (Safe Baby Alert Broadcast Interface) is a product that attaches to a car seat and interfaces with the Texas Instruments eZ430 Chronos watch through a Texas Instruments CC1110 wireless interface. The eZ430 watch sounds an alarm when the watch goes outside the range of the wireless device and a child is left in the car seat. “