We have seen what the inside of a Kinect looks like, now we can interface to the cool box if electronic bits. Hector Martin apparently hacked some code together and got it working 3 hours after he got his hands in the Kinect! From what I see this thing has tons of potential. The Wiimote Hacks were being created at a fast and furious pace after it was opened and I think we will see the community take on the Kinect with the same speed. Have a look at the lower video where the fist hacked proof is shown, the video above is where Hector is having some fun with the system interfacing it with his laser system. In this interview he gets the esteemed lower third title of Hacker. 🙂 If you want to give it a try yourself get the code here.
Best of all he won the bounty that was put up by Adafruit.