iFixit has taken apart one of the coolest toys I have ever seen. The Parrot AR.Drone you can see by the electronics inside that this is no ordinary toy. I am thinking that the guts of this system could be used to fly the SkyFly. Nice thing about the AR Drone is that it is made to be used, broken and repaired. This is one piece of gear that will be hard to trash to the point that it needs to be tossed away.
“The AR.Drone is earth-shattering. It has blown away every drone expert we’ve talked to. It’s not just a toy: it’s a phenomenal piece of engineering that manages to solve some very difficult software problems in order to take flight. Hidden beneath the foam fascia lies some very sophisticated electronics, all of which makes flying the quadricopter very seamless. We were quite interested in seeing exactly what components Parrot used to make their awesome flying device.”