Sean Chen and Yunchi Luo packed some cool 3D Pong Game Play into 3 Altera DE2 Development boards. Two digital cameras have their composite outputs feeding into the game hardware. They are using the image in the game and the system is monitoring the image for the colored paddles. These represent just one of the many great ECE 5760 projects.
Thanks Bruce
“The game software runs on a third DE2 board that acts as a master, which is connected to the two slave boards via GPIO and controls graphics as well as arbitrates game state. To create the scaled-down version of the picture, we piggy-backed off the VGA controller’s read requests to the SDRAM. For every 4 pixels and every 4 lines, using the VGA controller’s X and Y scan coordinates, we wrote the pixel colors into SRAM, scaling the address to the size of the picture-in-picture window. Then, when the VGA controller requests a pixel inside the picture-in-picture window and no game objects are in front, we compute its position in the SRAM and give it to the VGA controller. The SRAM had to be dual ported for this to work, and we simulated the dual porting by running the SRAM at twice the VGA clock and then reading and writing on alternate cycles. “