January 9, 2011

Voltaic Solar Charging

Voltaic had a booth at CES 2011 with all of their cool gear on display.  If you are always on the go keeping your devices charged is always a challenge. Voltaic has a number of solutions to this issue. Regardless if you need to keep your laptop going in the middle of nowhere or your iPhone battery is always getting sucked dry before the end of the day. The panels

Press and Blogger Facilities at CES 2011

In a past post I asked if anyone had any requests while I was covering the Consumer Electronics 2011 event and I received a number of emails from readers who were thinking of attending a future CES and wanted to know what amenities were provided to the press and bloggers. Instead of talking about it I thought a quick walk through video was the best way to demonstrate the space.

Power your Gadgets with a Hydrogen Fuel Cell

Plugging your iPod into the wall to charge is so last year. These days all the cool kids are using Hydrogen fuel cells to keep their beats pumping or their cell phones texting. Where do you get the hydrogen to power your gadgets you ask? Simple, it’s already around us, you may know it better as water! Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies has developed a desktop system for extracting the hydrogen