New Egg-Bot Designs


Having a cool tool like a CNC machine is great but unless it can make something that looks fantastic it is as valuable as a paperweight. The Egg-Bot is a interesting machine which has a limited functionality since it is designed to draw with markers on Eggs (or egg shaped items). Eastern Eggs has designed some crazy designs which really showcase the capability of the machine and WOW do the pieces ever look good!


  1. Egg-Bot is a wonderful machine! In fact, I wouldn’t say the functionality is limited – it’s rather specialized. Additionally, you can reuse the control board to drive your more conventional XY table routers (with different software of course).

    Basically, the way I see it, you’ll be using it most for one week before Easter by decorating eggs for friends and family and the rest of the year you’ll use the controller in a different CNC machine. But your eggs are guaranteed to have no equal on the Easter day! 🙂

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