May 2011

LCD Router Traffic Counter

How much data has your router passed? No idea right, well check out this LCD Router Traffic Counter project if you are curious how many bits have passed through the mystery box. “Using my python library as a reference for how to use the display, and my XML parsing script for ash, I was able to cobble together a working project quickly.”

Geiger Counter USB Hack

This Geiger Counter USB Hack takes an inexpensive Geiger Counter and makes it able to output counts our via USB. This would be very helpful when you want to take readings logged over time. It uses a small microcontroller to interface to the computer. Check out the small circuit implementation above! “The Kvarts DRSB-01 (Кварц ДРСБ-01) is a simple consumer Geiger counter. It does not feature a display of any

MPR121 Touch Sensor Controller Project

Touch sensors are getting more and more popular these days especially since many low cost microcontroller have them built in. If you have a controller that doesn’t have built in touch sensors there are many chips that do just that. The Freescale MPR121 is one of these chips. This MPR121 Touch Sensor Controller Project will give you the pointers you need to get your feet wet with touch sensors. “This

Soldering for Beginners

If you know someone who is starting out with electronics and wants to learn how to solder this Soldering for Beginners guide (PDF) by Mitch Altman, Andie Nordgren and Jeff Keyzer is a great start. Via: Tinkerlog

Audio Spectrum Analyzer Kit

This Audio Spectrum Analyzer Kit looks like too much fun. I remember back in the 90s I had a huge spectrum analyzer with lots of knobs, buttons, levers and dancing LEDs. With the lights down the display was as mesmerizing as a lava lamp. But just like my lava lamp the EQ was phased out. There is lots of technology packed into this kit but unless you can solder surface

New Egg-Bot Designs

Having a cool tool like a CNC machine is great but unless it can make something that looks fantastic it is as valuable as a paperweight. The Egg-Bot is a interesting machine which has a limited functionality since it is designed to draw with markers on Eggs (or egg shaped items). Eastern Eggs has designed some crazy designs which really showcase the capability of the machine and WOW do the

DIY Shower Timer Logger

I remember some of the showers at campsites have timers on them, you crank the 5 minute dial to get a quick shower. When you are timed like this you are very conscious of how much longer you have before the water automatically shuts off. I was thinking that I could save tons of hot water fees if I implemented this in my own house although I never did since