If you want to have more fun playing with the case of your PS3 than you do playing the games have a look at this PS3 Temperature Display and Fan Controller hack. A ton of LEDs are used to display the temperature and the speed of the fan. A bunch more LEDs are used to make a Playstation logo which can jive to the music. 🙂 Nice thing about this hack is that it allows the speed of the fan to be varied automatically based on the temperature of the heatsink. These Microchip MCP23008 I/O port expanders to let his Arduino to control all of these LEDs. To see more pictures of this project take a look at the build log here. If you are interested in building one you can see his Arduino code here. This project is similar to my PWM Fan Controller but adds a huge visual element.
Thanks for the tip Silvester.
“This is my PS3 case mod, there are 4 seven segment displays on the front. The left two show the temperature of the PS3 from a LM35dt temperature sensor i have added between the two heat-sinks on the motherboard. The two displays on the right show the current fans speed as a percent. The fan speed will go up as the temperature goes up, or you can set the fan speed manually with my TV remote. The display can be turned on or off with the remote, also you can make it count down from 99 to 0 in 1 second”