DIY Central Heating and Hot Water Control System


Nicholas Skinner shares how he developed his DIY Central Heating and Hot Water Control System with us.


  • Two channel (heating and hot water) support.
  • Temporary Override (ignore schedule for 30 min – 1 day), both overriding on, but also off.
  • Permanent Override (ignore schedule).
  • Web based interface for changing schedule / override settings.
  • Schedule support for any combination of weekdays.
  • Schedule support for one off custom schedules on specific dates only.
  • Setting date/time via NTP (with automatic support for time zones, and daylight savings – built into Linux server).
  • Support for override control via Cisco 7960 phones (already located around house / managed by Asterisk).
  • Wireless from control unit to programmer (linked to network).
  • Self contained system – does not require separate PC server running 24/7.”