Amateur Logic Field Day


I first heard about Field Day on Ham Nation which is a new show on the TWIT network. Field Day is a day where ham radio operators run emergency preparedness exercises. If there is a large event that causes major communication channels to be disrupted many of us will rely on the transmissions of these ham radio operators to spread information. Watch the video below to see how the guys from Amateur Logic can transform a section of bush into an emergency radio communications center. Of course there aren’t any convenient transmission towers in the middle of nowhere that can be tapped into so the guys made due with some simple techniques. A spud gun and a fishing pole is used to shoot some cables into the tree tops to be used as antennas. A picnic tent is used as the equipment room and a portable generator powers the entire site. Sure looks like a fun event!

If you want to read more about Amature Radio in general visit the main Amateur Logic site.