Talking Robot Mouth


This Talking Robot Mouth looks a bit creepy but works amazingly well. This robotic mouth is making sounds the same way we do. The mouth is made of various silicone materials blended together and the nose has the same function ours does when it comes to the creation of human vocals. The most impressive thing is that the robot learns as it talks, there is a microphone which allows the system to listen to hear the output so it can make modifications to future speech.

“We’ve given the robot the score for the song Kagome, kagome. It’s already learned how to make the sound “ka,” and it’ll retrieve that information from its brain. The robot’s also learned how to change a sound’s pitch by changing the air flow, so it’ll retrieve that data. In other words, it’ll use the information already in its brain to make sounds, while estimating speech movements based on the score. So all we are giving it is the words and the pitch.”