October 2011

DIY Stairs Illumination Project based on an Arduino

I am honored that this stair lighting video of our stair lighting controller kit inspired Youtube user Notcranium to build his own. His is based on an Arduino and he has used RGB lights to jazz things up a bit. Great looking stairs Notcranium! At an electrical cost of around $2 per year you sure can’t beat the effect and not having to keep a stairwell light on all the

DIY Induction Heater

I don’t think I will be building this DIY Induction Heater that Rich from RM Cybernetics built since I am still nursing a burnt finger from a stupid soldering iron incident. 🙂 But if you are careful this could be an interesting project. We have featured a few DIY induction heaters here before and the results are incredible. Not exactly the safest project to create but there are lots of

iPhone 4S 24 Karat Gold Crystal Bumper

So you picked up the new iPhone 4S. First thing most people do is personalize it by adding a case that suites them. Instead of picking a leather or plastic case why not move up to a metalic case. This 24 Karat Gold Crystal iPhone 4S Bumper is sure to fit the bill! Okay, it is actually not solid gold since 24 karat gold would be to soft for a

Halloween House Lights

I am sure Light o Rama (who happens to he DIY friendly) loves the holidays. When people like Youtube user KJ92508 from Riverside, CA places an order they are sure to break out the huge shipping boxes. The capability of the system looks amazing but it should considering there are 1144 channels out lighting outputs controlling the lights! “Most all lights have been changed from incandescent to RGB LED so

DIY Pick and Place Machine called the redFrog

I was just catching up on some episodes of The Amp Hour and heard about this DIY Pick and Place Machine by Build Your Own CNC Router Machine. I love the fact that the entire thing has been constructed from everyday items. It isn’t the fastest thing but I love machines that you can program and walk away and get something else done while it completes the task. If you

Delta Robot with Vision

Henrique Ribeiro de Oliveira from Brazil and two others have built this great Delta Robot with Vision. Best of all it is running a cool program to show off what it is capable of. You can toss some tokens randomly on the board, the robot will locate the tokens and place them on some colored dots in the middle of the working surface. Via: Hacked Gadgets Forum “We used Labview

Name the Thing Contest - 189

The prize this week is a solar flashlight, if you want to use this as a flashlight you better charge it during the day and not keep it hidden in a drawer. 🙂 I am thinking that the housing could make for a very small surface mount project. Not sure if the solar cell would have enough power to energize a very low current circuit but I would think it