December 2011

Crazy optical fiber and LEDs based Step Lighting

  Fiberopticlight presents an amazing step lights created using Poly Optics Super Side Light fibre lit with LEDs at each end. Each strip of stairs consists of a single LED at each end of a 7mm Super Side Light fibre strip encased in a 10mm square polycarbonate extrusion. Entire system of strip lights is typically operated by just a single 9V power supply and the current consumption of each strip light is about

Crazy Walking Machine Project

  Have you ever heard of a walking machine made from bent wires and run by a single 1.5V AA battery wherein the motor and battery can rotate with crank? Hackolog member brought this amazing concept, where you can build your own walking machine just by using fewer components.  You can start by connecting the motor to the crank to which the wheels are fitted. Now when the wheels meet an obstruction the motor starts

Ultrafast Camera - capturing light particles moving through space

  Researchers at MIT’s Media Lab have developed an imaging system that can capture visual data at a rate of 1 TFPS. With such a speed of visual data acquision, the researchers were able to create virtual super-slow-motion videos of light particles traveling and scattering through space. The technique to create the videos relies on what’s called a streak camera. The complete virtual slow-motion movies are created by stitching together each scan

Open Picus Dancing Twitter Santa

  If you want to drive the guys over at Open Picus nuts send a tweet to their dancing santa! Check out their Open Picus Dancing Twitter Santa project to see how they connected the santa with a few bits of electronics to their system. I have a feeling that this will be a fun gadget on the desk until it keeps dancing non stop for a few hours… “I

Hacked Typewriter with Magical Effects

  Makezine in its blog reported that Yoonjo Choi has modernized her old typewriter by adding force sensors and monitor connectivity, so that her old photographs can now be flipped quickly through projection. The way in which her old photo displays on the monitor possesses a magical effect. The project draws attention to the photos in a way that a digital slideshow or picture frame cannot. The most amazing feature is that you can only see the photo

DIY IKEA Moodlight Build

  Our friend Viktor sent in his latest build. He took a $1.99 IKEA plastic bag dispenser which looks great for only a few dollars and used it as the structure of his DIY moodlight. I visited my first IKEA last year and was quite amazed at how they create an experience that I have never had in any other store. I had to hold back from purchasing a ton

Hasbro My3D - an eye-popping 3D Viewer

Teamdroid member John reports The mega toy company Hasbro have unveiled a 3D viewer that’s designed for Apple’s second, third, and fourth generation iPod touch, iPhone 3G, 3GS and iPhone 4. Hasbro has a number of applications available on the Apple iTunes app store, games and immersive 360 degree pano stuff. For more info about 3D photography check out the International Stereoscopic Union If you want to bend your eyes have