January 26, 2012

Ikea Night Light controlled by an Android Phone

  If you ever wanted a way to control your night light from across the room you are in luck. Dan reverse engineered his Ikea night light and stuffed in a bunch of electronics so that it can now be controlled by an Android Phone. Of course remote control is just the beginning, a smart Android app could now easily use it to display the status of many things. “It’s

LED Illuminated Knot Hole Stair Lights

  Reclaimed wood was used to replace the stair treads in this stairwell but the knot holes were coming out. Broken glass and epoxy was used to fill the knot holes, a bunch of LED were added to let the knot holes light up. A motion sensor is used to light the stairs for 9 seconds which is just enough time to enjoy the look of the cool knot holes

PIC Microntroller based Dual Thermometer using two DS1820 1-Wire Sensors

  Viktor has built a great looking project which is a PIC Microntroller based Dual Thermometer using two DS1820 1-Wire Sensors. This allows Viktor to monitor the exact temperature in his fridge and freezer at the same time. Since the sensors are 1-wire this means that they are really easy to wire to the board. “The temperature sensing part I used for this project is a high-precision 1-Wire digital thermometer

Capricious Clock  - Crazy Time Clock

     When I was living the cubicle like it sometimes seemed what time either flew by or slowed to a crawl. This Capricious Clock by our friend Pete Mills makes the second hand move in some strange ways which makes it makes the seconds tick by the way time sometimes feels. 🙂  “The code keeps track of the 1pps pulses coming from the quartz clock movement, it delays for

Exuberant Clock

  Dave Molmen has sent in the picture build log of his custom Exuberant Clock. The clock concept is very interesting. The center of the clock slowly rotates, to read the time all you need to do is see which slot the brass circle is in, this is the hour representation and what minute indication it is beside. The clock face moves the brass indicator across the minute number one per