How to repair a Timer Control


Todd Harrison from ToddFun has experimented fixing a timer control which he was using to turn on and off the Christmas lights after a certain span of time. With a soldering iron and a bit of troubleshooting we learn what the problem is. Turns out that a part is needed to permanently repair the unit but when Todd has the new part the fix should only take another 5 minutes. If you are facing the same problem then you can follow his procedure that he has documented in the video.  

“I have an exterior timer control that turns my Christmas lights on at dusk and off after 6 hours. I noticed they never turned off one day and thought I had left the timer control set to the ON position. But no, it was set to off 6 hours after dusk. I then set the selection switch to OFF but still it was on. I unplugged and plugged it back in but got the same problem. It was time to go to the electronics bench”.