February 2012

DIY Vacuum Motion Sensor Mouse Trap

  Larry sent in his DIY Vacuum Motion Sensor Mouse Trap creation. “I built a mouse trap using an infrared motion sensor wall switch, an extension cord, a paper towel tube and a mini shop-vac. peanut butter is the bait. The mouse goes in the tube. The sensor senses it and turns on the shop-vac for 3 seconds. And voom, the mouse is inside the shop-vac. The sensor turns off

POV Hard Drive Clock with Etched Copper Numbers

    This POV Hard Drive Clock with Etched Copper Numbers is a work of art. The custom board on the back keeps track of time, spins the motor and uses LEDs to light the correct number when it is in the proper location. The numbers have been etched out of a copper PCB to keep with the DIY theme! Thanks for the tip Bruce. “The MCU is an Atmega328

Solution to get rid of annoying Solder Fumes

  Solder Fumes are often annoying. I found this really good solution to get rid of the irritating solder fumes which always tend to rise up into my nose. If you can relate to this, you can also go through this easy solution by Jean-Claude Wippler from Jeelabs. He has described a simple procedure which does not need any high tech equipment for implementation.  “A small 12V brushless PC fan,

3D Printers to print Cubic Objects

    Cubify has launched a really cool 3D objects printer that can print objects. Those of you who are interested in decorating their houses, this is a must have gadget that you should get to enhance your creativity skills. Just check out these  objects printed by The Cube. If you want to cubify your home refer to the description and go through its specifications. “The Cubeâ„¢ – the first

Creative Engineering machine using LEGO

  Interested in Industrial stuff? Just check out this captivating LEGO Machine! I am sure most of you would be familiar with what LEGO is. I never expected that someone could come up with this innovative idea of making an industrial machine with LEGO blocks. Look what Oscar Gonzalez says about this cool machine. “Thanks to @ astromaf I find this absolutely amazing video of a machine or rather a

View Mobile Phone messages using an LED Matrix

  I had never imagined that a SMS can be viewed in such a cool way as shown in this video. This is being done by interfacing the phone to the display using an Arduino. The idea was an adaptation from a girl wanting to create a funky looking costume with a scrolling LED display of live texts sent from people at the party. So if you want to create

Discovery Channel Top Engineer

  Discovery Channel is probably my favorite TV channel, they have an abundance of shows that intrigue curious minds. It looks like there will be another great show to add to their line up. Top Engineer sounds like it will be a must see when it’s release. The  good news is that they are casting for it right now and Lisa from Pilgrim Studios though there would probably be some