June 2012

Adam Savage talks about what he saw at Maker Faire

  Adam Savage talks about what he saw at Maker Faire. Most people know Adam from MythBusters but he has a history making movie props. “Savage has worked as an animator, graphic designer, carpenter, projectionist, film developer, television presenter, set designer, toy designer, and gallery owner. He worked as a model maker on the films Galaxy Quest, Bicentennial Man, Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones, The Matrix

DIY Robotic Arm

  Easton LaChappelle (HalfFullEffects from Youtube) just took second place in the world in engineering at the Pittsburgh international science fair. I like the way he created his own servo motor, instead of just bolting a store bought servo into his project he used a DC motor which was connected to a potentiometer. The potentiometer was then used as feedback for determining the exact position of the motor. Watch the