March 2013

Guy Flies Cessna 172 with only Flight Simulator Experience

  I am sure most of us have tried some flight simulators. I must admit that I haven’t tried one since the early 90s, back then there were lots of knobs and dials that were needed to keep you in the air flying normally. I am sure they have advanced a ton since then since I wouldn’t have thought that any amount of practice would have sufficiently gave me the

SNES Headphone Mod

    Thanks to lyberty5 for sending in his audio headset built from a SuperNES controller. “The controller was used as a base, I then rebuilt walls with bits of plastic and epoxy resin. I then used epoxy putty to model a circular shape, some bondo, and a lot of sanding. The whole thing was then painted. It’s not perfect and I’ve damaged the paint in some places. Also the controller

Mantis Hexapod Walking Machine by Matt Denton

  We have featured Matt Denton’s hexapod designs in the past. He has been spending some time working on a project that is a bit bigger than the previous ones! His new design which has been 4 years in the making called Mantis is a Hexapod Walking Machine. He has taken lots of pictures in the Facebook page (a few can be seen below). This video done by Daily Planet

Hacked Gadgets Easter Egg Hunt

  We have received more than enough correct entries, the contest is now closed. Winners will be announced soon. Thanks for participating!   Let the hunt begin. The image above has been inserted into a post from 2011, be one of the first 10 to find it and send it in and you will win a breadboard power supply. This contest will run until 10 correct entries have been received.

DIY Ethernet Temperature and Humidity Logger

  Kerry Wong just finished his latest project, it is an Ethernet Temperature and Humidity Logger. “I used an ENC28J60 Ethernet module along with an ATmega328p microcontroller to log the temperature and humidity readings and then process the data on my web server for display. To plot the data points, I used Google Annotated Timeline so that you can easily zoom into the desired date/time range. “  

Cheap High Speed Automatic Pick and Place Machine Overview

  Remember the cheap automatic pick and place machine we told you about in December of last year? Ian from Dangerous Prototypes has purchased one and has been doing some testing on it. Looks like is a great little machine. For the low price it doesn’t come with a vision system, is a bit noisy, has limited reel locations and has what looks to be a hard to use interface

DeltaMaker - A Delta Robot 3D Printer

    If you are looking to get into 3D printing have a look at this DeltaMaker – A Delta Robot 3D Printer. Their Kickstarter was successful so it will just be a matter of time until these units are rolling off the production floor! Via: Make  “Product Hightlights: Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) using 1.75 mm filament – PLA and ABS 100 micron layer resolution capability  10″ diameter x 11″