June 2013

DIY Pop Bottle Airsoft Machine Gun

  This DIY Pop Bottle Airsoft Machine Gun should cost $10 to $15, doesn’t use any parts that can’t be found at your local hardware store and should take less then an hour to build. Best of all if you have a compressor handy you can shoot the thing to your hearts desire. You might run out of targets to shoot in a hurry though since it has a very

Becks Beer Bottle with an Audio Recording Scratched on it

    Beer is great and refreshing but I always thought the only thing you could do with the them after the been was consumed was recycle them. Guess what, the guys over at GYRO have made a recording system so they can scratch a recording into the outside of the bottle and then play it back with a player. The device is based on an Edison Cylinder but uses

DIY Motorized Standing Desk

    If you are tied to a desk for much of the day a standing desk might allow you to feel better after a long day of sitting. Standing desks are still very expensive and not that popular. Loren has built a kick ass standing desk from scratch. It can be raided and lowered with ease since there are 4 linear actuators that can easily power the desk up

Sony Smartwatch Game

   How long before all the watches we have on our wrists are smart? Not sure but Sony is on the right track with their Smart Watch! It has an Android OS and is open to allow people to develop application for the watch. Check out this Smartwatch game, there are also some instruction on how you can start developing for the watch.

PiMiner Bitcoin Mining System

  Are you feeling the hype of Bitcoin yet? Instead of having a full blown computer mining your fortune in Bit Coins why not make solution that can fit in your pocket? The PiMiner Bitcoin Mining System uses USB miners that simply plug into USB ports on the Raspberry Pi. “Building this project will allow you to use a Raspberry Pi as a ‘headless’ controller and status monitor for your

OpenSprinkler - Open Source Sprinkler Controller

  If you are looking for a way to automate your lawn watering have a look at OpenSprinkler which is an Open Source Sprinkler Controller. Looks like a nice controller and will also have a custom enclosure available. Thanks for the tip John. “OpenSprinkler is an open-source Internet / Ethernet sprinkler timer / controller based on the Arduino platform. It works with standard 24VAC sprinkler valves commonly found in household

  Our friend Bob Davis has just built a 3 Million samples per second 6 channel logic analyzer powered by an Arduino UNO. In the video below you can see what the live display looks like. He is using a 74 series decade counter to divide down a 10Mhz crystal so that he has some nice fast stuff to sample. He experimented with the coding style and found that by