August 2013

Name the Thing Contest – 238

    The prize this week is an 6V 0.6W Solar Cell. This contest will run for one week (August 31 – September 6, 2013). Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item above and what it can be used for. Please note the image above is a side view of the thing. Please do not give the answer in the comments. Send an email

Android Powered Camera - Smart Cube

  This is really funny. How convenient would it be if you could have a camera that was powered by Android? Thanks to Michael for sending it in, he spotted it on Droid Life. “Features Always connected (3G/4G & Wifi) Android 4.2 Jelly Beanâ„¢ Advanced photo editing software Social Media apps Easy access to Dropbox and Flickr”  

Waterproof Electrical/Electronic Spray

  This Waterproof Electrical/Electronic Spray by Nano Protech looks amazing. Not exactly sure I understand how it works though. At first I thought it sealed the electronics but they demonstrate a socket and light bulb still operating after they are coated and then screwed together. Obviously the coating isn’t an insulator since the bulb is still making contact and it isn’t a conductor since it isn’t shorting out. I would

Clear Glass PCB Creation

   If you want your next project to have a wow factor why not make a glass PCB! You can see how CNLohr makes them in the video above. A glass microscope slide is what the circuit will be made on. He puts some UV activated glue on the slide and sticks some copper leaf on it. A UV eraser is used to cure the glue so that the slide

Calculator Powered by a Transistor Solar Cell

    Who knew you could use the guts of a power transistor as a solar cell! Steven fromRimStar even takes it a step further and chains five 2n3055 in a base to collector configuration to generate enough voltage to power a small calculator. Funny how some electronics form China are working fakes. The small calculator he got has a small solar cell in it already but once the case

DIY Strip Light Stair Lighting Design and Install

This DIY Strip Light Stair Lighting Design and Install over at Speedy Signals looks nice. The project uses a ATmega328P which is very common in the Arduino scene. The microcontroller interfaces with some shift registers to power the lights. Some 2N7000 mosfets are used to drive the actual LED lights. By using the Arduino ShiftPWM library he is able to have individual control of all the steps. Beam sensors were

PIXY - Smart Vision Sensor

  The Pixy shows what is possible if you off load the complex task of video processing when it comes to vision processing. The kickstarter is already successful so we can already think of this as a product. I think this will change many of the portable projects that we see next year. Thanks to Rich LeGrand for the tip.  “Pixy is a small camera about half the size of