Wireless Arduino Platform – LightBlue Cortado

Wireless Arduino Platform - LightBlue Cortado



Punch Through Design which includes Colin Karpfinger who has been featured here before have been working hard on the next project. They have come up with an interesting product concept called LightBlue Cortado that already has almost 1500 backers and has surpassed their goal of generating $20K in pre-orders by more than $66K. You still have 25 days to jump in at the pre-order price of around $20. This device introduces an interesting concept of embedded development without wires tethering the device to your computer. It uses Bluetooth to communicate with things around it and with the low price point I can see this thing being used in some cool projects where price and complexity would have been a barrier in the past. 

“Tech Specs


  • 3-Axis Accelerometer
  • 4 PWM pins, 2 Analog inputs, 8 GPIO
  • I2C and SPI Hardware Peripherals
  • Coin cell battery
  • Battery life exceeding one year for low power applications
  • Daisy chain for extended range >100ft (30.5m)
  • Protoboard section
  • Adhesive backing”