March 2014

Toothbrush Timer using a 555 Timer Chip

  In this project Steve Hoefer uses some electronics to create some fun chattering teeth that will give you some fun incentive to keep brushing your teeth for long enough to maximize effectiveness. A small microswitch waits for you to remove your toothbrush and the 555 timer goes to work counting down your 2 minute brush time. A servo motor that has been hacked to operate in continuous rotation mode

Piezoelectric Crystal Speaker Build

  If you are into high end audio this project is probably not for you. If you are into tinkering with electronics then dig in. RimstarOrg shows us how to build a Piezoelectric Crystal Speaker. He took a Rochelle Salt Crystal that he made and electrically connected to it using some tinfoil, once rubber banded to a tin can for amplification the speaker was complete. When an alternating voltage is

Bypass Capacitor Tutorial

  We all use Bypass Capacitors in our designs but what size do you normally pick and why? Does location of the bypass capacitor matter? Should you use multiple values of capacitors? Chances are some of these questions are not obvious and might enhance your future designs if you know the answers. Electro Labs has a great article that solves of these questions in their Bypass Capacitor Tutorial.  

Voltage Testing Screwdriver Failure

  Have you ever used one of those neon screwdriver voltage testers? I haven’t seen them for a long time but I remember seeing one in a few tool boxes while growing up. I didn’t realize how dangerous they are if the voltage is more than it was designed for! For an interesting experimental test of an insulated screwdriver rated at 1000 V have a look at the 4:45 mark.

Spy Camera Made with an Arduino Catches a Cubicle Thief

  I have worked in quite a few companies where the employees have a dedicated desk or work space, some had lockable drawers but in most cases everything was unlocked. I have never had any issues with things going missing but Youtube user RuthJ180 didn’t have the same experience as I did. In her case some of her fancy pens and change was going missing. A mini spy camera and

Vintage Multimeter Teardown - Weston 6000

  Kuzyatech has acquired a a Weston 6000, Vintage Multimeter and performed a very detailed Teardown of the device. The meter looks very interesting but it sure isn’t the most ergonomic unit. It isn’t shown in the picture but the multimeter has the test lead jacks located on the right side of the body, that is a strange location but when you see how the fuse and batteries are replaced

Hauksbee Generator

)   Our friend Rick Crammond has built a Hauksbee Generator. “The idea is that a triboelectric (electrostatic) effect occurs from sliding hands on glass. The voltage generated ionizes the gases in the globe, creating a blue plasma glow inside. Our rotating globe is a pyrex lab flask containing air under a partial vacuum, is mounted on a bicycle axle with skateboard bearings, and driven by a remote-control model aircraft