April 2014

Pyro Board - 2D Rubens' Tube

  We have all seen what a Ruben’s Tube looks like, check out the Pyro Board which is a 2D version of that. It has two speakers instead of the normal one.  The results are impressive when a sign wave is pumped into the board but when some music is played the effects are very memorizing. I think this is the modern version of watching a campfire.  Thanks for the

License Plate Electric Guitar

  Mike Senese from Make shows us how to make a License Plate Electric Guitar. Some basic tools are used to create a totally custom electric guitar, the video shows you how to wind the pickup coil using some screws, plywood and magnet wire. When this project is done you will have a guitar to jam on. In the example video a pre built guitar neck was used but depending

BMW E39 EV Conversion

  Converting a gas car to run on electricity is not a simple task. Damien Maguire takes us through the progress of his conversion. His BMW 5 Series car will never be the same again!  

Hackaday Hardware Contest

    This is the coolest DIY electronic contest I have seen yet. I am sure it will get a ton of entries because of the grand prize, a trip to space! If you happen to win the grand prize but think that space is a bit over the top for your nerves you can always just take the cash equivalent which is close to $200K!!!! Of course there are

DIY Acrylic Skeleton Clock

  Benmurton made this working DIY Acrylic Skeleton Clock, the reason I say working is that when acrylic is cut into thin pieces it tends to be quite flexible. He did a great job building this clock, I immediately thought that it was laser cut since a laser machine would make quick work of this build but after looking further into his build log it turns out that he actually

KMel Robotics Flying Robots Play Instruments

  Check out the KMel Robotics Flying Robots that can Play Instruments. The control of the quadcopters is amazing to be able to play these notes with the accuracy and timing that they can! “Just a reminder about how this all works: each one of these robots has its position measured down to the millimeter (or better) at a very high frequency using an external localization system. The individual hexrotors