May 12, 2014

eBay Photoswitch Teardown

  I spotted this photoswitch on eBay and had to take a look at the guts (search photoswitch if the link doesn’t work since eBay links go stale after a short time). I now see that the same unit is sold in multiple variations which are 24V and 220V. Not sure I would feel safe with 220 on this thing though. I am curious if the 10 ohm resistor is

Phenox Quadcopter

  The Phenox is an intelligent quadcopter that was designed by Ryo Konomura and Kensho Miyoshi from Japan. The power and flexibility of the platform looks very impressive. They have a kickstarter that has just been started also. Thanks for the tip Jason.  “What is Phenox? Phenox is a palm-sized on-board processing programmable quad-copter robot based on linux operating system. Phenox implements Zynq (XC7Z010) 256MB DDR3. bluetooth device sensors. Their