HexPi – Hexapod Raspberry Pi Robot

HexPi – Hexapod Raspberry Pi Robot_2



If you are thinking about building a Hexapod you should have a look at the HexPi project. This Hexapod is based around an off the shelf chassis but there are some big plans for the brains, it will be powered by a Raspberry Pi so there will be no limit to the computation power on this tiny walking robot! It is looking good so far, the end result should be great.

HexPi currently consists of:

  • aluminum hexapod chassis
  • 18 TowerPro MG995 servos

Planned for HexPi

  • RoboPi – for servo control
  • Raspberry Pi Model B – for inverse kinematics, visual recognition
  • Raspberry Pi Camera module – video streaming, visual recognition
  • WiFi – remote control & telemetry
  • many sensors of many kinds :)



HexPi – Hexapod Raspberry Pi Robot