November 2014

MagneBike - Magnetic Wheeled Robot

  The MagneBike is an interesting magnetic robot that is surprisingly flexible and can maneuver some crazy metal geometries. “Locomotion Concept and Robot Design Two wheels in a motorbike arrangement: better adaptation to the surface (flat or curved). Magnetic wheel unit including lateral lifter/stabilizer arms. The lifter functionality helps to pass over step obstacles. The stabilizer functionality allows to drive sideway. Five active DoF: front/rear wheel, front/rear lifter, steering unit.”  

Electron Microscope Image Capture with an Oscilloscope

  What to do after you get your hands on a discarded scanning electron microscope. Ben Krasnow from Applied Science took the signal directly out of the device and fed it into a DSO. He was then able to capture it at a much higher resolution than is displayed on the original CRT that came with the unit. The results are incredible.  

Autodesk's Innovation Workshop

  If you love building things you know that great tools allow you to make really cool things. Check out the setup over at Autodesk’s Innovation Workshop! You can see some of the projects that have come out of there here. Via: Adafruit “Our artists in residence share their creative projects with the Pier 9 community, where they get the opportunity to share their work with hundreds of millions of

Self-Balancing Raleigh Chopper

    It isn’t a simply task to make a self balancing anything. But if you are thinking of taking on the challenge XenonJohn has documented his design details for this Self-Balancing Raleigh Chopper that could give you a head start.   “Data from the IMU is read by the Arduino Mega 1280. I use a Mega 1280 because they are a lot cheaper online than the 2560, and about

The Combinator - A Comparator Combination Safe

    If you have some valuables that you need to keep safe you lock them in your safe (as the name implies). It probably has a dial that is used to dial in your secret combination. The Combinator is A Comparator Combination Safe just to spice things up a bit. You won’t find a microcontroller in this device even though it is an electronic safe, instead it uses all

Shoulder Mounted Arduino Controlled Skull

  Steven from built an interesting spooky Halloween skull to scare anyone who walks by. The video below goes through the construction details. “Two heads on a body are scarier than one so for halloween I mounted an Arduino controlled skull on my shoulder with the electronics in a backpack and a hand controller hidden in my hand with the cable running down my sleeve. The jaw opens, the

Custom Center Car Light

  Toyota Tarago shows us how he installed some LED center lights on his car. Took a bit of hacking to get them in there, a hot tip of a soldering iron was used to do some cutting through the plastic. I have often done the same but only for some small sections. I think I would have taken out the dremel for that job but it would have made