February 2016

Howe & Howe RS-1 Gremlin - Mini Unmanned Tank

  The Howe & Howe RS-1 Gremlin – Mini Unmanned Tank is an flexible system that allows the user to scope out areas that would be dangerous to walk into with a human. Since this can be controlled remotely the human operator can be situated in a safe location while only the robot it put in harms way. All we need now are some autonomous quadcopters mounted to the frame

GFI Circuit Breaker Teardown and Destructive Test

    Mike has taken apart a GFI Circuit Breaker and tested it to destruction. These devices are great to make electricity safer when used in dangerous environments such as beside water sources. They measure leakage current and trip when there is too much running from your hair dryer that accidentally fell into your tub full of water. “A GFCI works by measuring the current leaving one side of a

Woodworking with Wires

  With a bit of epoxy you can make some interesting things out of some scrap wires you may have laying around. All you need is some woodworking tools, these guys are using some high end tools but with some time and something as simple as a Dremel and some elbow grease you cold also make some interesting creations. Peter Brown doesn’t stop at wires, he tends to find all

DIY Attack Dyno Project

  This DIY Attack Dyno Project is designed to fit in the dash of a car and will give you measurements such as horse power and torque based on just a few car connected sensors. “The Attack Dyno is a convenient and affordable way to bring an attack timer and dynamometer right to the comfort of your own vehicle. The whole design is built to fit right into the space

Name the Thing Contest – 293

    The prize this week is a relay module to get your next project started. This contest will run for one week (Feb 15, 2016 – Feb 19, 2016). Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item above and what it can be used for. Please do not give the answer in the comments. Send an email to contest @ hackedgadgets.com with “Name the

Microchip MPLAB Xpress Cloud-based IDE

  If you have ever installed MPLAB on your development machine you know how heavy this software is. Microchip has now given you a nice light weight option. MPLAB Xpress Cloud-based IDE is now available and will let you get up and running in no time. Thanks for the tip James. “MPLAB Xpress is a perfect starting point for new users of PIC Microcontrollers – no downloads, no machine configuration, and no

Emergency Personal Locator Beacon Teardown

  AvE got his hands on an Emergency Personal Locator Beacon. This is one of the few things made in Canada! Looks like no expense was spared in the build. The lithium batteries are still operational even though they were dated to expire 16 years ago. I have never seen the  tape measure like antenna. Without making an electrical connection is it doing anything? I was expecting to see a