June 2016

DIY Smart Glasses

  HARRIS’ ELECTRONICS is developing a prototype set of Smart Glasses. This is not an easy task! You can read about the development challenges here. Thanks for the tip James. “The glasses themselves are based around an STM32F051K8 microcontroller (LQFP32 for easy soldering!). All the firmware is custom written though I got the LCD driver initialization codes from the BuyDisplay examples. The firmware is written using a somewhat “co-operative scheduling”

Custom Word Clock

  Jeremy Blum built this Custom Word Clock. It has lots of non electronic parts such as the great looking case. Good thing Jeremy is no longer at Google and is now working at Shaper with use of a wood working shop. We have seen lots of word clocks here in the past but the main thing I like with this design is the LED panel based design. Most designs

Water Droplets Captured using a High Speed Camera Rig

    Check out these Water Droplets Captured using a High Speed Camera Rig. This system uses an Arduino to activate a solenoid, the solenoid releases a drop from a water container mounted at a specific distance above the table. The water falls at a repeatable rate, at the desired time the system triggers a camera flash. This allows a camera that is focused on the hit zone to capture some

Introduction to Analog to Digital Conversion (ADC)

  Bil Herd goes through a great Introduction to Analog to Digital Conversion. These days it is very simple to grab an analog reading and use it with a microcontroller with ease. This is because modern microcontrollers often have one or many ADC built in. Not that long ago a  would have been needed, this is still the case if a special ADC is needed for things such as high