LC Meter using a Microchip PIC 16F628A


This LC Meter was built using a Microchip PIC 16F628A.  It would make life a bit easier when attempting to identify a few of those components that are always left over on the desk after building a project. Mine are often dumped into a miscellaneous box with other various components which makes it even more difficult to identify later…  I think this meter would make a great addition to my bench. It was built based on the design by Phil Rice which can be found here. The original design was powered by a 9 volt battery but the new design uses a 3.6V battery which required substantial changes to be made in the power section of the project. Have a look at the image below that shows the super tiny component that was used in the design, it must have been quite a feat to get this mounted onto the hand made board!

“I wanted to fit it in this project box that I had laying around for some time and I also wanted it to be battery powered. There was no way that I could fit 9V battery in this project box along side with all the electronics, so I figured I could add a tiny 3.6V Li-Ion battery that I also had… laying around.”