July 2016

DIY Circular Stepper Motor Clock

    Looking for a clock build? This DIY Circular Stepper Motor Clock looks like fun and the parts would be very inexpensive.   “The idea behind the clock is a circle with a circumference of 72cm (28.3465 inch’s) that ticks at 1cm every ten minutes which means every 72 ticks will equal 12 hours making it a 12 hour clock. ”  

SwagBot is Herding Australian Cattle

  Automating crop harvesting is one farming duty that robotics is good at but dealing with animals that are lose in a field is another story. The SwagBot is a robot that will soon be tending to the animals in the field. Via: IEEE Spectrum “SwagBot is designed to “work in highly undulating terrain, for the purposes of supporting farmers in grazing livestock operations,” Dr. Sukkarieh told us. The robot

Monoprice MP Mini 3D Printer

  This might be the time to jump onto the 3D printer bandwagon. The place that provides cheap good quality cables looks to now be the place to pick up a cheap and reliable 3D printer. At $200 it has some features that you wouldn’t expect to see such as a nice full color display to view settings such as platform temperature so you can easily keep your eye on