Waveform Generator Record Player



When you need a Waveform Generator but just have a Record Player the obvious solution is to create a Waveform Generator Record Player.  This creation uses a 3D printed head for the record player arm and has some simple optics mounted. Similar optics that would be used in a line following car feedback the pattern. Swapping the disk changes the pattern.

“The light sensor is a 3 mm Everlight ALS-PT204-6C/L177. It was chosen because it responds to standard visible light, rather than infrared. I want it to see what I see.

The light sensor connects to +5VDC and to the middle pin of trimpot R3 (100 kΩ). My trimpot was dialed to about 20 kΩ, but you’ll need to adjust it based on the light conditions and distance to the target. The goal is to create as large of a signal as possible, with a compromise between flattening the top of the wave and the bottom of the wave.”