Full details on how to construct this remote controlled scissor halloween prop is available. The build plans are well done, but it does look like a complex build process. After Halloween you could mount a huge boxing glove to it, I can’t think of a better way to get rid of door to door salesmen who don’t take no for an answer!
Just a note to anyone who lives in Utah. A holoween trip to his display is well worth the trip!!! Ask the propmaster where it is.
WOAH IM IN THAT!! hahaha
So how does one get the Full details on how to construct this remote controlled scissor halloween prop?
please email me at daddywoofdawg at yahoo dot com
Anyone know where the details on the construction are posted? I see the link above is broke 🙁
The link has been updated.
Here is the link to the instructions:
Then a link to the main page on the site: