October 2016

Yamaha AV Receiver Teardown and Troubleshooting

    The Post Apocalyptic Inventor got his hands on some cheap Yamaha audio gear. He took apart the receiver with the hopes to troubleshoot and repair the unit. Unfortunately a cap had spilled it’s guts and leaked all over the PCB corroding it very badly. It would be possible to repair but it would take a long time. If that wasn’t bad enough many of the main high power (expensive)

DIY Cheap CNC Machine using DVD Drives

  If you are looking for a project build that can probably be put together with some items out of your junk box and about $10 in parts. The main drive for the system are the motor units from 2 old DVD drives. An Arduino controls the system. “components used 1. 2x old PC DVD Writer 2. Arduino nano 3. Small servo motor 4. L293D 5. Zero PCB”  

Long Range nRF24L01 Testing

    Long range data transmission can be useful. There are lots of options out there but the cheap nRF24L01 modules with an external antenna can work wonders. iforce2d has done lots of testing with a nice DIY rig. He has a stationary transmitter and a receiver mounted on his car, the car rig has a GPS and SD card modules to that he has the ability to record the

Drone with 1000 Watts of LED Light

  1000 watts of light doesn’t sound like much. But 1000 watts of LED light mounted to the bottom of a drone flying overhead looks amazing. The video captured at the end of the video is stunning and the smoke scenes are mesmerizing.  

Robotic Building Automation

  Robotic automation is great. Set and forget, once dialed in this system will create parts that are identical and not complain about coffee breaks. Love the creative jigs that enable the robot to handle materials that might not be placed with high precision.

Commodore SX-64 Repair

  Techmoan got his hands on a few SX-64 Computers. This is the portable version of the C-64 that everyone loves. He needed to do a bit of repair but in the end he got 2 working machines. They are still going for a good price since these units are still rare compared to the regular C-64 but you can find them for sale if you look hard enough. Teamed up with

Intelligent Headlight Technology

    Headlights today are much smarter than they were not that long ago. Using cameras the headlight system can detect oncoming vehicles and vehicles in front of you. The headlights can then block out the area that the beams shine, this means the end of constantly switching between high and low beams when you are close to other vehicles on the highway. It is also much safer since the