Puppy Pulling Power Experiment



Technology is helping this guy find a girl. He rigged up a camera that detects smiles and takes a picture. Armed with tons of dogs he hit the street. They made some videos of the process which are quite funny. You can watch the entire process here on Youtube.

"With a bunch of puppies and a phone that automatically takes a photo when a girl smiles at it, I’m going to do a test to find out, once and for all, which breed will give a guy the most puppy pulling power."


  1. lots of cleavage. oh I’m sorry, there was a point to this. *got distracted*
    Fun experiment to say the least.

  2. I think the puppies in the purple tank top win.

    Hope you got some good contacts out of this project…:)


  3. Looking at the [cough] data, I wonder if the samoyed won because it most looks like it’s smiling too, from the shape of its snout, and people like to return smiles. Similarly, I wonder if the pug was second because it looks like it’s frowning, and people like to counter frowns with smiles, at least for little kids and (apparently) puppies. BTW i think a golden retriever or yellow lab would have taken the prize if you’d tried one.

  4. those chicks are hotttttttttt

  5. lol… “your cute too…” “okayyyyyyy”

  6. I fully support Federal funding for experimental science like this, which greatly improves man’s lot in this world!

  7. This seems setup…

  8. Too bad it’s a big joke and not for real…

  9. Fake film sponsored by Sony Ericsson. Nice concept though.

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