Raspberry Pi Zero Ambient Lighting using Hyperion


If you want to jazz up your tv with an Ambilight system now might be the time. We have seen other systems in the past that were impressive but not as good as this system. This new system is still a bit kludgy but seems to work very well and is nice and flexible to work with most systems. The Raspberry Pi Zero running Hyperion is the heart of the system and allows for lots of customization. The basics of this system takes in your TV HDMI signal into a splitter, one feed goes directly to your TV and the other goes into the an HDMI to AV converter. This AV signal is then fed into an AV to USB converter. The converter is plugged into a USB port of the Pi. This is not an ideal chain but since HDMI is a secure transport of video data there is no simple way for the Pi to read in the HDMI data. Now that the Hyperion software running on the Pi can see the live video signal that the TV is displaying it can calculate and output the appropriate codes that are fired down the serial LED string. Using the serial LED tape allows for a very simple LED layout.