
April Comment Contest Winner

The comments have been fast and furious this month. Thanks to all of you for lots of great comments. The winner is Hexypoo, the winning comment was comment number 6 on the Top 5 Spinning LED Displays. Hexypoo will get the a $50 gift certificate to ThinkGeek. Below are a few examples of cool geek items that I would consider with the gift certificate. What will Hexypoo get? I am

Name the Thing Contest - 3

Congratulation to Matthew and Joel who won last week. There will also be two winners this week. Giveaway item 1 is a laser pointer pen with a built in 256MB USB drive. Giveaway item 2 is a USB SD card reader. This contest will run for this weekend only (April 27 – 29, 2007) . To enter, identify the item pictured above and give an example of what can be

Name the Thing Contest - 2

Last weeks weekend contest was a great success. This week there will be two items given away to two lucky winners. Giveaway item 1 is a graphic LCD module, thanks to David from uC Hobby for providing this module! Giveaway item 2 is another camera tripod. This contest will run for this weekend only (April 20 – 22, 2007) . To enter, identify the item pictured above and give an

Name the Thing Contest

Thanks for all the emails about the contests at Hacked Gadgets. Many of you mentioned that a single contest once a month isn’t enough. This contest will run for this weekend only. (April 14 and 15, 2007) To enter simply identify the type of motor that is pictured above and give an example of what can be done with it. Please do not give the answer in the comments, email

Hacked Gadgets April Comment Contest

This month Hacked Gadgets will be giving a lucky commenter a $50 gift certificate to ThinkGeek. If you haven’t checked out ThinkGeek before, do so only when you have a spare 1/2 hour of surfing time. It is an addictive site with lots of cool stuff. To enter all you need to do is comment on an article between now and April 30, 2007. The more comments you leave the

March Comment Contest Winner

  Thanks to everyone who left comments for the latest Hacked Gadgets contest, there were some very interesting discussions and thoughts expressed. This small contest was lots of fun, stay tuned for more contests in the near future. Also thanks to everyone for all of the emails and posted comments regarding future prize ideas and new contest ideas, keep the ideas coming. And the winner is… Drum roll please…… The

Comment Contest ending soon

Just a reminder that the Comment Contest is ending soon (March 31), up for grabs is a one year subscription to Nuts and Volts, one of my favorite magazines. If anyone has a prize suggestion for future contests please leave a comment, I would love to hear about it.