Cool Gadgets

POP Bottle Rockets

    Pop bottles normally find their way into the trash or recycling but if you have some time you can make some interesting rockets with them. The 2 stage water rocket above was launched to a height of 864 feet.   This one quick to build the rocket portion, most of the bottle work is for looks and a bit of stable flight purpose. The neck of the bottle

Heavy Lift MOT Magnet

  There are lots of uses for MOTs (microwave Oven Transformers).  The guys from Make it Extreme have come up with a great new use. Convert them to a Heavy Lift Magnet. They take a number of transformers, chop the top off the laminated core and weld them to a heavy base plate. They are then wired to a common power source and the surface of the transformer that will touch the

MK2 VR Experience

  Instead of going out climbing wall or the movies this virtual experience system can provide you a variety of experiences in one facility. The user uses VR for the immersive visual experience and physical objects for the tactile environment.      

Cardboard Computer Build

  Mark Nesselhaus is building a computer the hard way, by using handfuls of transistors and cardboard.   “Attempt to build a computer using cardboard and brass paper fasteners as the base material for all of the logic circuits. Why? Well, the cardboard is free as my workplace puts it in the dumpster and I do not have the funds to buy better material. All of the electronic parts thus far

Interactive Alexa Raspberry Pi Christmas Tree

  This Interactive Alexa Raspberry Pi Christmas Tree was built using an Amazon Alexa Dot, Raspberry Pi Zero, and a Neo Pixel LED strip. “I’ve programmed my custom Alexa Skill to recognize three seasonal phrases and then send a message over MQTT to the Pi. These are defined in speechAssets – part of the Alexa Skill SDK. Alexa tell Christmas Tree [to] change to red/green/blue Alexa tell Christmas Tree to

Cracking the Sega Saturn CD

    Debuglive takes a look how Dr Abrasive’s cracked the Sega Saturn CD system. The original copy protection of the system uses a physical wobble in the outer edge of the official game CDs. This makes copying the disks impossible since blank disks have this portion pressed into it when you get it. After a lot of reverse engineering and some custom hacking the system is now able to do lots

Raspberry Pi Zero Ambient Lighting using Hyperion

  If you want to jazz up your tv with an Ambilight system now might be the time. We have seen other systems in the past that were impressive but not as good as this system. This new system is still a bit kludgy but seems to work very well and is nice and flexible to work with most systems. The Raspberry Pi Zero running Hyperion is the heart of the system and