DIY Hacks

Infrared Transmitter Arduino Home Automation

  Upgrdman shows us how to make an Infrared Transmitter Arduino Home Automation system. This system uses a very high power wide range IR LED so that it would be great to be placed in the general area of the equipment you would like to control. If you are interested in making your own the example code is provided. “In this video I show an easy and low-cost way to

ClearWalker - Polycarbonate Walking Robot

  Jeremy Cook built this walking robot  using a bunch of custom cut Polycarbonate for legs and gears. The brain is Arduino based and GoPro camera in the head. The motors are controlled via a few off the shelf H-Bridge modules. Controlling the robot is done via bluetooth.  Lots of time and thought went into this robot creation and it shows. It looks great walking around the beach .  

Talking Multimeter Project

    Rachel Dipirro and Jonathan Lo made an interesting Talking Multimeter Project for their Cornell University ECE 4760 Final Project. The multimeter is built around a PIC32MX250F128B. This is not a robust product that will be replacing your desktop multimeter since the range is not that great. For example it can just read resistance between 0 and 50K and voltage up to 10 volts. This range is fine for

3D POV Display

    There are lots of POV displays out there, lots have multi color LEDs that can display some impressive images. Gelstronic has built this  3D POV Display that has lots of tech going on. The addressable LEDs are setup in strips of varying heights. When spun this allows the display to create 3D images in color. A Parallax Propeller microcontroller powers the main display while an Arduino Pro Mini

Automated Outdoor Lighting

    Steve Marriott wanted to have some automated outdoor lights. They will be controlled by an Arduino that will monitor some PIR sensors to see what is going on and turn lights on based on activity. A few tictac boxes were used to mount the outdoor electronics in. The project changed over time based on community help. The end result is a a completely automated lighting system that looks

Macbook Backlight Repair

  Louis Rossmann shows how he walks through a Macbook Backlight Repair. As usual the scale of the repair is tiny and work under the microscope is needed. Some tiny jumpers and a steady soldering hand come to the rescue.  

Pizza Box Robot That Shines a Laser in Your Eye

    Michael Reeves is a software developer at Infibit that has made a face tracking robot that is housed in a pizza box, it tries its best to find your eyes and shine a laser in them. The software that runs on a PC was written in C# and uses Emgu CV which is the .NET version of Open CV for the facial recognition portion. A web cam is