
Adafruit PCB Manufacturing Line

  The Adafruit PCB Manufacturing Line is quite impressive. Ladyada (Limore Fried) goes through the entire process start to finish describing what each piece in the line does. Questions from the MIT students at the end are interesting also. “Ladyada is the hacker @ Adafruit, founded in 2005 by MIT hacker & engineer Limor “Ladyada” Fried. Her goal was to create the best place online for learning electronics and making

PID Controller Theory

    Dave 2 over at the EEVBlog explains how PID works. Wikipedia also has some great info.     “A proportional–integral–derivative controller (PID controller or three term controller) is a control loop feedback mechanism widely used in industrial control systems and a variety of other applications requiring continuously modulated control. A PID controller continuously calculates an error value {\displaystyle e(t)} e(t) as the difference between a desired setpoint and

Cost to Manufacturing Your Hardware Product

    Make has a great article that goes over what things to consider when wanting to manufacturer your hardware product. They bring up that the case often one of the largest costs of the product due to needing to make molds. There is the area between low and high volume manufacturing where using an off the shelf case would be cheapest but at some point getting a custom case

Power Supply Decoupling and Filtering

  w2aew demonstrates the use of decoupling and filter cap usage. We have all seen large electrolytic caps and tons of small capacitors near chips on most circuit boards. Why are they used and without them what does the circuit look like. The live demonstration on the scope with the test PCB does a great job in demonstrating the difference with capacitor placement and operating without capacitors.  

Poison Tap

  Samy Kamkar had built a device that is called Poison Tap. It is a Raspberry Pi Zero which plugs into the victims USB port. The device that looks like an Ethernet connection, your computer inherently trusts this connection and this is where the exploit starts. ” emulates an Ethernet device over USB (or Thunderbolt) hijacks all Internet traffic from the machine (despite being a low priority/unknown network interface) siphons and

How does Fusion Energy Work

  Kurzgesagt has released a great video that explains Fusion Energy.  At this time Fusion Energy is not practicable as an energy source but after Elon Musk is done with kitting out the Gigafactory he has the deep enough pockets that could toy with Fusion Energy. “Fusion power is energy generated by nuclear fusion. Fusion reactions fuse two lighter atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus. It is a major area

PID Motor Speed Controller Example

  SomethingUnreal has built a simple system to demonstrate how a PID Motor Speed Controller works. The system is spinning a piece of cardboard on a toy DC motor. The motor is powered by an H Bridge. An optical sensor provides feedback to the system so that it can see the actual speed and adjust the H Bridge accordingly. The software running on the PC is very nice as it allows